Yu-Gi-Oh Pre-YCS Tournament Ticket (non-refundable)
SKU:Yu-Gi-Oh Pre-YCS Tournament at Games Corner
$20 Entry Fee
Players Cap: 28
Start Time: 11 am, Friday, 28 February 2025
Format: Advanced Constructed, Swiss rounds.
Prizes (based on 28 players):
1st: 6 x Boosters +1 OTS pack
2nd: 5 x Boosters +1 OTS pack
3rd: 4 x Boosters+1 OTS pack
4th: 3 x Boosters+1 OTS pack
5th to the last: 2 boosters and 1 OTS pack
Prizes are subject to change depending on the number of participants.
Visit www.thegamescorner.com.au for more information about Games Corner and public transport access.
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