MTG Zendikar Rising Set Booster Pack (Release Date 25/09/2020)
SKU: GC4345Description
THE BEST WAY TO OPEN PACKS JUST FOR THE FUN OF OPENING THEM. Zendikar Rising Set Boosters are the go-to if you're looking to rip open a Magic: The Gathering booster pack just to see what's inside.
A FOIL AND A FULL-ART LAND IN EVERY PACK. Zendikar Rising Set Boosters come with 1 full-art land card, plus at least one foil card. (The foil cards can be any rarity.)
ART CARDS. Each Set Booster starts with an art card: a beautiful piece of borderless MTG art, some with the artist's signature across the front in shining gold.
"THE LIST"— CARDS FROM MAGIC'S HISTORY. 1 in 4 Set Boosters includes a card from "The List"—a pool of reprints, ranging from powerful to flat-out wild, presented in their original art and frame.
CONTENTS: 12 cards, 1 art card, and one ad/token or special card from Magic's history, with 1 full-art basic land and at least 1 rare and 1 foil.
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