Small World Cursed
SKU: GC1795Description
Put a curse on your Small World!
This mini-expansion features winning contest entries from Gustav Akerfelt, Philip Harding, Jorg Krismann, Travis Lauro, Paolo Mori, Leif Steiestol and Daniel Zielinski.
Hit a man while he's down - Goblins conquer In Decline regions at one less cost...
Kobolds aren't necessarily cowards... They just like to work in teams. It takes 2 Kobolds to occupy a region after you've conquered it...
Your people are now Cursed! Skip over this Special Power and you'll have to pay 3 coins, not the 1 that is usual...
The only thing better than conquering is Ransacking. Take 1 coin away from an opponent for every territory you conquer...
The Hordes are at the door. Add the 2 Hordes of tokens to increase the size of your active Race...
The moon is full and the Were-people are howling. At night (even-numbered turns) the Were- power lets you conquer all regions with 2 less tokens than normal...
It's time for Double-Jeopardy! After an initial attack, Marauding forces get a second chance each turn to conquer even more territory...
Game Contents:
- 2 new Race banners and tokens (Kobolds & Goblins)
- 5 new Special Power badges (Cursed, Hordes of, Marauding, Ransacking & Were-)
- 1 spare Race Banner, 1 spare Special Power badge and 1 spare Lost Tribe token.
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