Flesh and Blood TCG Welcome to Rathe Hero Deck Dorinthea
SKU: GC4177Description
After centuries of uneasy peace, the land of Rathe balances on the brink of war once again. Savage beasts emerge from the primordial jungle, clashing with noble warriors in increasingly violent skirmishes. A forgotten realm finds its ancient barriers eroding, exposing it to the greed of others, while a mystical land is faced with the history it once tried to bury, threatening to expose the secrets of their ancestors.
In a world plagued by conflict, you must fight for the chance to determine your fate. Will you succumb to the machinations of others, or will you choose your own path? Pick up your sword and prepare for battle; for no matter where you run, war will find you.
Welcome to the world of Flesh and Blood, a hero-centric fantasy trading card game that features classic fantasy classes with unique playstyles. Flesh and Blood introduces game changing innovation to the Trading Card Game industry, with the patent pending "pitch" resource system, that has players engaged in cutthroat combat every turn of every game, 100% of the time! The Welcome to Rathe hero decks provide cohesive gameplay straight out of the box, with high replayability. Perfect for kitchen table gaming, or as the foundation for building a tournament deck. Ready-to-play 60 card deck, plus hero, weapon, equipment, and rules book.
A young lieutenant in the Hand of Sol, Dorinthea Ironsong has dedicated her life to defending the people of Solana. Once, her kind heart and natural curiosity lead her to question her elders, forgoing the orders of her superiors in favour of following her heart. Yet her brash actions put the party in danger, and her fellow knights paid for her mistake with their lives. Thea has since learned to follow the wisdom of Sol in all aspects of her life, vowing to honour the memory of those that were lost that fateful day.
Thea is a formidable opponent on the battlefield, a prodigy swordswoman who uses both skill and strategy to her advantage. Wielding the Dawnblade, she is graceful and nimble, darting past her opponent’s defenses to make every attack count.
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